Why Impetus

We go the extra mile
for the clients

Let us understand first why do client needs Market Research firms?
This is very simple though but very important for every Market Research service provider to understand. Overall, understanding the true information. Unfortunately, the truthfulness in the information is a real challenge at present.
Hence, basic and common expectation from most of the client’s at present are:

  • Good Quality Data [ Data with True information]
  • Competitive Price
  • Faster Turn Around
  • Responsiveness
  • Out of Box thinking

As described in the home page, Impetus is keen to work differently and distinguished itself from other firms.
Impetus is glad to share its clients that the experienced leadership has put the strong system and process in place to implement “Best Practices” of employing the data collection team as an internal part to guarantee “Quality”.
Impetus has set up own team across PAN India rather out source. This is ensuring both “Quality” , “Competitive Price” and “Faster Turn Around”.

As soon as any project commissioned, Impetus deploy a dedicated “Project Manager” as a single point of contact which ensure faster responsiveness to the client as well to the internal team. This best practice helps faster communication as well as consistency in project communication to all the associates who are involve in this project.

Impetus leaders are the seasoned professional with each one of them having experienced in more than 18 years and proven track record of managing more than 1500000 [ Fifteen lacs ] survey per annum. During these span these leadership could successfully been able to implemented many best practices using their “Out Of Box ” thinking many innovating ways in Market Research Practices.